Description: Simple Goblin Game called Dungeon Manager. Get the treasure to the dungeon's master, ideally with an adventurer to battle. It my first completed game jam, so it jank as heck but I love it.


Just me!

License Stuff and thanks:
Thanks for the lovely sewer tileset! It's super cool how the shadows make the water blend together.

I don't think I actually ended up using any of this, but thre are fun icons for weapons and stuff

Rope Ladder

Created by Jordan Irwin (AntumDeluge)

Creative Commons 3.0

Literally just the ladder, but thanks for my oddly specific opengameart need!

Lots of Characters

Spritesheet with animations for multiple characters. Most are NPCs, some playableesque and some enemies. Dogs, dog people, elfs, mushroom people, green people, mages, archers, &c.

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These characters were so good they made me think I would have time to implement more than the two I did. Thanks!


A brassy dialog box/window. Can be extended horizontally abritrarily. Might look good in a "steampunk" game or something along those lines.

I definitely overused this asset, but it was so simple and good looking

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